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    Schedules will be released via email, and time slots will be on a first come first served basis. Fall Schedule will be held mid August through May, and Summer schedule will be June-mid August.



​    Tuition holds your weekly time slot in Morgan’s teaching schedule throughout the year, and is required in full regardless of attendance. Tuition for private lessons is payable monthly, due the first lesson of the month. Payment may be made by check, cash, or Venmo. A $10 late fee will be charged if tuition is paid after the 15th of the month. Consistently late payments may result in the termination of further lessons. 

    Tuition is non-refundable and will not be adjusted or prorated for students that withdraw early or miss scheduled lessons. Tuition will only be prorated if Morgan is unable to attend lessons due to illness, performances, vacation, etc. (Tuition will not be prorated if Morgan offers make-up lessons because of her absence and you choose not to attend).



    If you are unable to attend a lesson please schedule a make up lesson, or request an online lesson for that week.  When you take private lessons, you are not just paying for lessons given, but paying for a specific time slot reserved for you. This time has been set aside for you regardless of whether you attend or not. If you need to cancel a lesson please do so by phone or email with at least 24 hours notice.  Cancellations with sufficient notification will be given a make-up lesson. No-shows, or cancellations without 24 hours notice will not be given make-up lessons and you will be charged for your reserved time. If there is a true emergency and sufficient notice cannot be given, a make up lesson will still be offered. In an effort not to spread sickness to other students, please do not attend lessons while sick. In the case of minor illness, lessons can be held online. For severe sickness, a make up lesson will be offered even if sufficient notice was not given. Morgan will also request online lessons or make up lessons when she is under the weather. Please arrive on time as lesson times cannot be extended for students who arrive late. 

    Morgan may need to reschedule or cancel a lesson due to illness, family emergency, or performance engagements.  In this case, Morgan will always provide a make-up lesson or a refund.

  For inclement weather (school closures) please assume that lessons will be held. Often roads are cleared by early afternoon, but if driving conditions are hazardous, we’ll arrange to do an online lesson. Online lessons may also be held for mild illness, not having a ride to lessons, or other circumstances where a lesson can be held but not attended in person.


Make Up Lessons

    Scheduling make up lessons is done through Morgan’s website.  Scheduling a make up lesson is the responsibility of the parent. In order to be eligible for a make up lesson you must kindly give at least 24 hours notice (unless in an emergency situation). Lessons missed without prior notice will not be made up. Please notify Morgan as far in advance as possible if you will be missing a lesson, this will allow her to give that time slot as make up times for other students.

    No make up lessons will be offered for missed make up lessons. Scheduled make-up lessons will not be rescheduled for any reason even with prior notice (i.e. no make-ups for make-up lessons). There are also no make up lessons for missed group lessons.

    These time slots will be first come first serve. If no make up times work with your schedule you may swap lesson times with another student for that week. Please contact the student you are wanting to exchange with (I do not take the responsibility of switching lesson times but please let me know if this is done).



    Students are expected to practice at least the amount of their lesson time five days per week. Students are also expected to refer to their practice booklets to ensure they are maximizing the effectiveness of their practice time. Please have your students fill out their practice notebook each time they practice by checking off what they worked on and writing how many mins they practiced.

    Practice equals Progress. The more a student practices the more they will excel. Life can be busy and occasionally will prevent practice, but students who continue to avoid practicing will not progress. Practicing consistently makes a vast difference in how a student progresses. Without practice, it is impossible to teach new concepts and the student will lose interest. In order to get the most out of lessons and enjoy the feeling of progress, you must commit to daily listening and practice. Please read your practice assignments every week, and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. If a student feels stuck practicing at home, we can discuss ways to practice during lessons and there is also a “practice helps” document under the files tab full of ideas on how to approach different obstacles and techniques.

    Students under age ten are expected to have a parent help them practice.


Parental Involvement

    For students under 10 years old, a parent or guardian is expected to attend every lesson and supervise daily practice. Parents should log their child’s practice time in their practice booklet each week to be returned to the teacher.


Materials Needed

    A list of required books is listed by level under the files tab of Morgan’s website. Please make sure you have all books needed according to the level of the student.

    Students are expected to bring their practice notebook with them to lessons each week, as well as refer to it during personal practice at home. Other materials needed for at home practice are: pencil, music stand and a metronome. Optional materials for practice games can be found in the “practice helps” document under files.


Group Lessons

    Group lessons offer performance practice as a soloist as well as in a group, interaction with other players (listening and adjusting to what is around them), music theory and aural skills practice, sight-reading training, and help students build unity and friendship with other musicians in the studio. Musical friendships and friendly competition help motivate students’ individual practice. 

    All students are expected to participate in studio group class. Students under age eleven will meet monthly for group lessons; and students eleven and older will meet every other month. Group lessons will be held the 4th week of every month and will take the place of that week's lesson. It is highly important that students have performance opportunities as well as listening to their peers to be inspired and help inspire others.



    Two recitals will be held throughout the year, one during the Fall and another in Spring. All students are highly encouraged to perform. No admission will be charged for recital attendees or their family members. Students are expected to perform with an accompanist.



    Students should consult with Morgan if they are considering discontinuing lessons to consider resolutions. If the student still decides to discontinue lessons, one month's notice is required.  The lessons remaining in that month will be completed, there are no refunds for withdrawals. Please note that in the event of immediate withdrawal, no tuition will be prorated or refunded; however, students may continue to attend lessons until all lesson credits have been redeemed. Time slots will not be held for students that choose to take time off.

    Morgan reserves the right to terminate lessons with students. Parents will be notified about the issue(s) and provided time to correct it, if the problem still persists, lessons will be terminated. Parents and/or students who do not ensure excellent lesson preparation, maintain regular attendance, prioritize group class, or be responsive in payments and communication may be dismissed from the studio.

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